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How we can help.

HR Consulting

Strategic HR Guidance

One time, project-based or on-going HR consultation for small business leaders. Get the strategic support you deserve from your certified HR pro. HR management. Compliance support and help with tricky employee situations.

HR Audits & Projects

Build HR Systems and Programs that Guide Your Success

Learn what you need to know about HR and payroll compliance. Get assistance with critical HR projects like Employee Handbooks, Job Descriptions, Compensation Analysis, Peformance Management & Leadership strategy and techniques, and more!

Custom Training

Unlock Potential

Providing employees with professional development opportunities (training) is a proven strategy for unlocking employee potential and providing them with solid strategies for improve their performance! Let us design your engaging, memorable custom training program where will will focus on helping you best align your team for success!

Our mission: Your people.

HR Answers provides ambitious, service-based business leaders like you with strategic HR guidance including regulatory compliance assistance, support related to HR policies and procedures, and highly rated HR, DEI, and leadership development training.

We are here to support your HR needs and drive employee engagement, leading to more fulfilling workplace relationships and business success!

Meet Our Founder & Principal Consultant

Hi, I’m Niki Ramirez, the founder and CEO of HR Answers, and I believe that practical, impactful HR guidance can create a positive ripple in the world. When small business leaders strive to create workplaces that people love, their employees will be happier and more successful. When people are satisfied and happy at work, this joy inevitably spills out into our homes, our communities, and into the world, making it a better place to live.

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Our mission is your people. When they succeed, YOU succeed.

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To download SHRM-GP May 8th Half-Day HR Essentials Slides – CLICK HERE