Your team has grown. We’re here to help reduce stress and save you time with The HR Quick Start.
As a small business leader, you don’t have endless hours to dedicate to your human resources program. Our experienced team of HR professionals is here to lighten your load. We’ll get you feeling confident and comfortable with HR in your business. Our certified consultants take on the burden of research, development, and strategy and collaborate with you to get you up to date with human resources trends and regulatory changes. You keep up with your growing business.
The HR Quick Start is a unique and comprehensive process, specially designed by the HR Answers team to ensure that you get a thorough orientation on relevant HR compliance issues, and are equipped with strategies, resources and tools for managing and leading your team, on-going!
Who is The HR Quick Start Designed to Help?
- Small business leaders in companies that have HR programs in place and are ready to review, refine and refresh their HR practices to align with current business needs and best practices.
- Small business leaders who want to create clarity and consistency across their business and with their team to create a more positive employment experience.
- Small business leaders who value and desire compliance with employment rules and regulation.
What’s Included?
- Employee Handbook & Review of Employer Regulations: Create company culture with the right policies. Outline responsibilities. Reduce liability.
- Custom Job Descriptions and Salary Profiles: Clear up confusion. Share expectations. Plan compensation.
- Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring Tool Kit: Strategy and tools to help you find and hire the right employees to grow your business.
- Employee Performance Appraisal Tool Kit: Techniques and tools to help you let employees know how they are doing, inspire excellent performance, and keep morale high.
- Practical Samples and Resources: Not sure what information you need, or how to share important HR news with your employees? Our sample tools, resources, letters, surveys, and forms will put you ahead of the game and save you time.
- Workplace Health & Safety Tool Kit: Accidents happen. We’ll make sure you’re ready to deal with anything, including workplace accidents and injuries. In addition, you’ll receive resources and tools to encourage a healthy workplace for all emlpoyees.
- Employee Separation Tool Kit: When it’s time for employees to move on, you’ll need to stay organized. Procedures, checklists and strategy on facilitating successful employee exits.
Also Included –
After the conclusion of your series of 10-calls and the completion of your milestone projects (like your new Employee Handbook, job descriptions, performance evaluation tools, etc.) you have access to 10 hours of on-going, open-ended consultation. Reach out for follow-up or additional support at any time!
What’s the Process?
In order to accomplish all of this, we schedule a series of 12 45-60 minute sessions (virtual meetings), including your Official Kick Off Call and an HR QuickStart Recap Call to discuss each area of HR in your business.
We also ask you to complete a unique survey on each topic, and share your current HR practices and ideas (where applicable). Behind the scenes, our team of HR experts will be researching, creating, developing and crafting all of your new, custom HR Tools. All custom documents and resources will be available to you in your HR Filing Cabinet – a secure file via Citrix ShareFile. You’ll maintain access to this folder even after your HR QuickStart concludes.
What’s the Investment?
The HR QuickStart is a flat-fee, full-scope project that starts at $5,750.
As needed, payments can be arranged. Contact us for more details on HR programs, projects and support by clicking here.
At the conclusion of your HR Quick Start, you’ll feel more comfortable with HR in your business, confident and prepared to tackle all of your team’s goals – and you’ll have on-going assistance from your HR consultant who will be there to support you when you have questions.