Employees need to know where they stand. They deserve it.
As leaders, it is our responsibility to create clarity and ensure that employees are truly given a chance to succeed at work. From properly analyzing an employee’s history with the organization, to taking steps to guide an employee to improvement, having a game plan when it comes to employee discipline is an important piece of the puzzle!
In this E-Book, you’ll get a detailed, step-by-step plan to analyze your unique situation, as well as consider a variety of “next steps” that you can take — all the while ensuring that you’re communicating clearly and confidently.
Part 1: Providing Tough Feedback, including information on using the B.I.E. model of
Part 2: Discipline Considerations & Checklist
Part 3: Managing a Workplace Incident or Accident Investigation
SAMPLE: Progressive Discipline Policy
BONUS: 21 Powerful Phrases Your Employee Need to Hear